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We will fight this Pandemic together by following Govt. SOP's

At Solehere, we beleive the employees are the key members of the company. We care about our employees as much as we care for ourselves. That is why we have strictly implemented Government SOP's for COVID-19 to help our employees and our customers get through this Pandemic.

We are taking complete measures such as Face coverings will be required for all of our employees and customers. Temperature checks will be conducted at the door. For those with symptoms — like cough or fever — or who have had recent exposure to someone infected with COVID‑19, will not be allowed to enter the building. Throughout the day, we're doing enhanced deep cleanings throughout the building especially display products, and highly trafficked areas.

Our response to COVID‑19 is still ongoing, and we know that the reopening with SOP's will have its twists and turns. But whatever challenges that we face, COVID‑19 has reinforced our faith in each other.